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1. To walk without lifting the feet or clumsy steps and a shambling gait.

2. To scrape the feet over the floor in dancing.

3. To move clumsily (usually followed by into): To shuffle into one's clothes.

4. To act underhandedly or evasively with respect to a stated situation (often followed by in, into, or

out of): To shuffle out of one's responsibilities.

5. To intermix or to change the relative positions of cards in a pack.

6. To perform a dance with such movements.

7. To move (one's feet) along the ground or floor without lifting them.

8. To move and (object or objects) this way and that.

9. To put, thrust, or bring trickily, or evasively or haphazardly (usually followed by in, into, out, etc):

To shuffle one's way into favor.

10. To mix (cards in a pack) so as to change the relative positions.

SHUFFLE verb phrases:

A. To thrust aside; to get rid of.

B. To move away by, or as if by shuffling.

Examples from Web of Shuffle:

I shuffle through the sheet music avoiding tunes in keys with more than two sharps or flats until I hit "Old Shanghai".

These traders - like Jon Paulson - just shuffle existing value from one entity to another. they don't build net value.

Is HIV/AIDS/BASTARDS BORN INTO SEX ABUSE AND MOLESTATION IN BREEDERS SEX SHOP SLAVERY AND BONDAGE pandemic getting lost in the "mothers" newest con prostitution BREEDERS dependents dependency bloodline disease of the week (sexual activity WHATEVER).

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