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Posted For and On Behalf of Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS).1of1.Provider of

*****VIDEO - President Trump makes remarks on Senate Impeachment Acquittal:*****

Jennifer E. Strachan commented regarding the entired $23Trln central shameful the living daylight infinite sex begat sex caused its own disturbance:

"This should never, ever happen to another President - ever"

So when it$ world renown stigmatized wickedness greed and corporate corruption plagiarizes and changes and twists the words of any document and it$ sings "Weather or Not here WeIeye$ come You can't...." and it$ relentlessly plays and plays and plays on and on and on it$ favorite cat and mouse game with it$ debtbodies count #numbers that boasts i$ accumulated and raised $23Trln funds at "home" birthed and "home" raised it$ known home grown terrorists 23YearOldSwampGrass RootsSpawns and it$ still looking and listening and pouncing to raise more funds because what/who else its gonna say and so.....HA! ❌

That is Double Jeopardy!🛑⭕️⛔️📛 That impossibility ridiculous liars lies would be most important WRONG❌- AGAIN!❌#WhatTheirKeptNKeepingDoingWrong$$$$ ❌❌❌❌

So Mr. President Trump, I agree with your "acquittal remarks" and particular "I did nothing wrong" ✅ My sentiments exact✅

IeyeAyeResidentCitizenTaxpayer know you still have more important things to do with your time in your job as President of the USA🇱🇷 and more important I know I still have more important things doing with my time in my own time for myself life business sustainability wealth and health! #IStillGottaDoThisWon1OneLIVE🇬🇩#ForMyOwnFuckingBusiness🇬🇩!Too!


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