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Posted for and on Behalf of Legal Document Assistance & Mutli Services (LDAMS)!

Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) updated by Owner, Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan 1-23-2018.

Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) Past Previous Bio (written only for Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) website purposes).

I know and am master of my own pure Grenadian life and work and when referenced by the fallen consistently fallen $21Trilionaires fully scripted wrongs in society or infringed upon by others wishing and hoping to right a wrongs wrongs with or through my 1+0=1 and 1-0=1, 1x0+1, pure Grenadian educated, vested taxpayer, dedicated, disciplined life business, I am prone to calling it out as much as it has called my name and single life live business in its stink extra extra extra sexual curricular activities dirty filth mouth $21Trillion hell bent scripted failed businesses.

I Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan am a born Grenadian. Grenadians are people/person(s) born in the tri-island nation of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. ("Grenadian profitability" many outsiders, especially the opportunistic prisoners of the root causes of $21Trillion bastion beastiality of the U$A national debt, have said and say as they make it and have it in the dreamers swamp trance).

The USA immigration policy "walls" opened; New York's "hospitality" invited and my father Christopher Strachan, a dockworker/stevedore and established pure Grenadian businessman in his pure Grenadian constitution and own rights decided to come here. And yes, as my father and my pure Grenadian blood brothers and pure Grenadian blood sisters did and do work. I myself did and do work and have worked and I continue working in ownership of my own one live life business entity.

As a black Grenadian female, I am proud nobody and nobody's $21trillion number#sip eCONnoMY can take this single, independent, sole-productivity, pure Grenadian living will and willpower roots and formative foundation away from since my deceased pure Grenadian mother Dora Strachan made certain I "latched" to my own family's way of doing business - Pure Grenadian rights and Grenadian constitution.

I give thanks to my deceased pure Grenadian mother Dora Strachan and now 88-year old pure Grenadian father Christopher Strachan who started me on the right foot. I was sent to formal schooling i.e., kindergarten and then St. Louis R.C. Girls School and Anglican High School in St. Georges, Grenada where I was born. My mother died during my early years and shortly after at the age of 15 my father moved his named blooded heirs (all Grenadians) internationally, here to Brooklyn, New York, United States.

Upon moving to Brooklyn, New York. (I did not and don't need or want or need or require the stigma or stagnant or feeble "Ghetto" lifestyle - I recognize it when I see it and hear it grown growing scripted $21Trillion tree cum in and barking) I picked myself up and I immediately went and attended Prospect Heights High School for four years and applied and my first job shortly before I graduated from Prospect Heights High School in 1985.

Here without a mother, I did not allow the stigma or stagnancy to use me or claim me - my life work -my life business. I raised myself out of that ridiculed manifested strictly criminalized, prostitution, cyclical, cycle/psycho BREEDING LINE sickmess crazies madness stigmatism. (UPDATE 4/25/2018: UP TO THIS DATE I REMIND THE CALLERS AND CALL IT OUT....THAT WHICH HAVE AND BUT FAILED IN ITS $21TRILION NUMBER#SHIP ONLY SINGLE THING MISSION IMPOSSIBLE.....PRIME EXAMPLE 14YEARS ONLY MISSION.....WAS TO PUT MY PURE GRENADIAN NAME AND PURE GRENADIAN BUSINESS TO SHAME INSTEAD OF TAKING RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ALL THE NASTY DIRTY FILTHY SHAMED EMBARRASSED AND OVERBEARING EMBARRASSING LITTLE MUCH AND TOO LATE ADO ABOUT NOTHING....THINGS THEIR HAVE AND DONE..DO AND DOING WRONGS......THE bill: $21Trillion cost it took to raise such sexual money hungry psychopaths)

No one, nobody, nothing, no weapon(s) of mass destruction (that I cannot know or no) didn't, did not, shall not, will not, may not, can't, cannot replace or take the place of my dead mother, or the country/island nation of my birth; my independence or my constitution.

In 1997 I started attending New York City Technical College now (New York City College of Technology. I worked full time during the days and was a full time student at nights in New York City Technical College Business Administration, Sales and Marketing program.

I felt need to create and started Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services when, after working in New York State at various jobs for over twenty five years, I found myself unemployed for what I thought and upon reflection was and is now indeed a manifestation of the U$A national debt problem - a death sentence/question/debate/whatever - death - for any one single person (1+o=1 and 1-0=1. Lengthy unsustainable period(s) of monies being stolen and given to what is now fully exposed as criminal whorism tourism oneWombs numberShips whose bastards are now ill wills/problems and troubles in society, living and existing - eat - drink - food - shelter - clothe - cars - house - land (each having its own account billing in $21Trillion and each and every word mimicked of single educated, taxpaying business BREATH/BREATHE.

I applied for posted/advertised "jobs" and was "interviewed" by many so called "moms and pops shops" "Nice and Good and Witty and So Smart" so it seemed -superlatives that were and are now fully exposed especially since post Ivan2004, upset and setup for getting information from and about single educated vested taxpaying BREATHING ENERGY 1+0=1 and 1-0=1 POWER, business individual person(s). Information most times twisted and used to harass, threaten, slander, libel, stifle,kill single, educated, vested, taxpaying, individual business owner. to their own credit they are really bad, unfit/not fit unfinished, deliberately and strategically, unlicensed, uncertified, uneducated, no education, no ambition, no pride, bastions, strictly criminal prostitution single "moms/mothers/whatever/CRIMINAL WHORES CONSTITUTION" without the "pops" quickly turning over and trading places in the BREEDING LINE/businesses - In that place where nothing ever happens but the U$A national debt is now $21 trillion dollars and heading into infinity - As they did do it and would have it.

They are looking to trade/exchange/buy/sell/fill the vacancies of "pops" and are left -looting or shooting or stabbing or raping or incest or cross incest rape cross- BREEDING - to their own to do their "On the BREEDING LINE Plan Groupthink", their own constitution, their own governments, perceptions, techniques, businesses social media partnerships, corporations and incorporations (not cooperations or cooperatives. They are as difficult and cult like and cult love as could be. American black market stocks and bonds market trading/exchanging/buying/selling. BLATANT LIES AND PLAGIARISM and FRAUD IN THE STRANGLING AND STIFLING, KILLING sole proprietor's BREATHING energy such as me, myself and I.....1+0=1 and 1-0=1.

In 2013 I decided and returned to New York City College of Technology where I studied Law and Paralegal Studies program (here too the BREEDING LINE plagiarism and fraud and prostitution and criminality raised its ugly criminal prostitution BREEDING LINE heads - slurring, hurling, attacking, committing fraud and blatant plagiarism).

However, in spite and despite the $21 trillion BREEDING BREEDERS LINE debt of the U$A (the self-made-Ivan, selfish, money hungry, greedy, criminal prostitution CONceivers - CONceiving, deceiving, attacking, slurring, hurling such BASTARDIZED DELIVERIES with such damaging, killer price tag) - in spite of all the damning self-made-Ivan negative internet, social media reports, I am happy I chose the fields of studies (Business Administration, Sales and Marketing; and Law & Paralegal Studies for my own BREATHING, live, pure Grenadian life, single, sole proprietorship business, breath, rights, constitution, living will and willpower.

I manage my live life business and keep my pure Grenadian legacy, pride, will and rights without joining or starting on the U$A national debt BREEDING LINE to kill and hurt and stifle and malign and slander and libel any one(s) human being legitimate BREATHING, educated, vested, taxpaying, sole-productivity, sole proprietorship business.

​Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan hold no bags. Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan hold no punches. Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan hold no sperm count (1+0=1 and 1-0=1. Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan's bio is as short or/or as long as the truth!

America and and its peoples....Americans....and its debt problems not only seem but in actuality have been on a thrill ride and other persons and people live and work and business here. The numbers and the levels of voices and shout and yell and shoot and arm for themselves!

Pure Grenadian Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) working here and in working here remind you/you're you'ill this is 1/one real single 1+0=1 and 1-0=1 live life business Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan own and did do doing requires real self discipline, dedication, Education, Skills, Training, Knowledge, Professionalism, Personal Experiences, etc and especially personal experiences rooted in my own pure Grenadian roots and foundation.

BREATHING IS ENERGY...ENERGY IS THE ABILITY TO DO WORK....pure Grenadian Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan d/ba/ Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) working here and in working here...doing DEDICATED, DISCIPLINED, SKILLED, EDUCATED, EXPERIENCED, KNOWLEDGEABLE, TRAINED, PROFESSIONAL .....Law and Paralegal/Legal Assistant/Legal Assistant and Multi Services.....Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) life, living, breathing, breathe....doing sole-productivity, sole-proprietorship, independent, energetic, namesake ability own work.

I am Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan do not appreciate, need or want or encourage, etc. the deliberate judgemental disrespectfully directed toward my pure Grenadian father Christopher Strachan and my deceased mother Dora Strachan business and/or the product(s) of my pure Grenadian deceased mother and now 88-year old father's business. This is the live live BREATHE, BREATHING, ENERGETIC, independent, sole-productivity life live of pure Grenadian Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS).......Never ever let the the builders of the $21Trillion sex shops businesses in my experiences and seem to forget to pay its $21Trillion billings.

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