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Posted for and on behalf of Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS)!

Definition of Character Assassination:

Character Assassination: The malicious and unjustified harming of a person's good reputation.

Merriam Webster's definition of character assassination:

Character assassination:

A. The making of false statements that damage another's reputation.

Example of character assassination in a sentence: The actor's lawyer charge that the tabloid engaged in a deliberate campaign of character assassination.

Synonyms of character assassination: libeling, slandering, maligning, smearing.

Words related to character assassination: hatchet job, innuendo, muck, mud, denigration, cattiness, hatefulness, meanness, nastiness, spite.

B. The use of personal attacks or insults to undermine an opponent.

Synonyms of character assassination: name-calling, mudslinging.

Words related to character assassination: defamation, libel, maligning, slander, detraction, innuendo.

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