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Posted for and on behalf of Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS):

Pure Grenadian Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) is open for business and also welcomes donations in the many hard times and many hard faces of adversity as you all have it, know have it, and know the existing prevailing situations.

Click the Donate/ button on Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) website to

If and when you all do become real client(s) to Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS), I am pure Grenadian Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan will thank you all.

And also, if and when you all do donate to Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS), I am pure Grenadian Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan will thank you all.

BTW: If and when you all have been making prevailing wages but don't know about the prevailing wages, then become real client(s) of Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS).

Til then.

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