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Posted for and on behalf of Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS)

I am Jennifer E Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) was born in Grenada from the womb of my deceased mother Dora Strachan and my now 88-year father Christopher Strachan.... I Jennifer E Strachan am a pure Grenadian and I represent Grenada as the island/nation/country of my birth.

Please look elsewhere for the things you all have that you all need.....the meanings and ideas, etc.... that you seek for the $21Trillion responsibilities troubles problems concerns staying bully pulpit free to wander criminal touring whorism tourism that you all still have made of and for yourselves.... .....businesses unresolved still unmarked ongoing still going and growing and increasing pending cases/claims for because your/you're hardened delinquency that's a $21Trillion start in Shameology and Embarrassmentology.....and you all that is it have failed and never fixed and resolved and in many of your/you're repetiTHIEVES case/claims.... you all have added more fuel to your/you're troubled problematic $21Trillionaires household fires...for the likes and love of more money in the solid foundation you have made for $21Trillion more.

Me/myself/I Jennifer E Strachan am an individual single Grenadian born citizen and represent my island/ country/land of my birth.... not represented in and representing any legal or case matters with regards to the debts cuaing the criminal whorism tourism concerns of any nation/country/island or any past and continuing plague of legal matters that was caused due to matter beyond my control or information or understanding or concerns.

Vice versa, I did not birth/BREED and dont have any truant, storytelling ducks waddling or lingering in buildings or trying to run around evading its breeding issues...and so I do not have such things required for such BREEDING cases and their BREEDING defendants or argument restless cases shouting and singing and speaking and talking and slandering and libeling for its 12-year old's sexual appetite at 12o'clock..... cannot use put of use my pure Grenadian name and single, independent, educated, trained, experienced, skilled, professional sole-proprietorship business name and information (my resume/ life BREATH) to solve the crimes that was done by the whorism tourism criminals that are still existing and living and breeding in society on $21Trillion...their and all their heirs!

I am Jennifer E Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) is single, independent, solo-productivity, sole-proprietorship whose works and activities... my my living pure Grenadian business....owned and operated by me/myself/I am Jennifer E Strachan so therefore was not used and cannot and cant be and will not be used to fulfill the hopes and wishes and needs and wants of the BRED BREED BREEDING makers of the businesses in any country/island/nation national debt problems.

$21 Trillion...that is a debt bed start....a solid foundation for $21Trillion more....repetiTHIEVES touring criminalism whores with..argumentative, bully pulpit, kangaroo court....words and sexual criminal whorism actions... without end.....A solid foundation for sexual criminal whorism tourism.....That is a start of a dispensation I am not and will not make and/or take and cannot make and/or take the eras/errors dispensation and vice versa....give a snake an animal and give the animal snakes is a deadly dispensation no doubts about it.

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