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Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS)!

Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) website updated by owner/operator/sole-proprietor Grenada-Grenadian Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan this day 12-09-2018.

Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) past previous "Services page" written by owner Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan d/b/a LDAMS for Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan d/b/a LDAMS website company business sole proprietorship purposes only.

Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) is a pure Grenadian established results based and service driven sole-proprietorship solo-productivity company providing educated trained skilled professional experienced qualified Law and Paralegal/Legal Assistant/Legal Services and Multi Services for a prices/fees/costs.

Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) is a Law and Paralegal/Legal Assistant and Multi Services; Legal Services business/company which lawyers/attorneys and law firms can hire for services assistance with substantive law and legal work such as, Trial Preparation, Document Preparation, Witness Interviews, Client Interviews, Interrogations, Depositions, Conducting Legal Research, Drafting Pleadings and Discovery Materials, etc.

Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) also provides for a prices/fees/costs, professional assistance to the unrepresented whose cases/claim(s) attorneys/lawyers turn/ed down because the cases/claim(s) did not qualify or failed to fall within lawyers/attorneys monetary threshold or for whatever undisclosed reason(s) lawyers/attorneys don't do and/or didn't handle and are not handling such cases/claim(s). However such cases/claim(s) such as simple wills, simple divorces, bankruptcy petitions, immigration petitions, arbitration, etc. can be handled by the expertise of educated, experienced, learned, professional, trained, skilled, knowledgeable Law and Paralegal/Legal Assistant and Multi Services; Legal Services or legal document preparer such as LDAMS for a fees/costs/prices.


​Please use the contact form at the foot of this page and contact LDAMS for fees and fee /cost estimates or call LDAMS re the fee/cost/price for assistance services for all your legal matters i.e. disruptive tenants, fiscal, "pet adoptions", bankruptcies, etc.

**remembering and including all your/you're $21Trillions past, present, future, now, current living/existing situations prevailing wages solid staycation inDEBTedness.

​Phone: 347-693-4437


Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) is also on media and social sites such as Facebook, Linkedin, INK361, Twitter and Instagram.

As a legal assistant/paralegal hired by law firms or as a price/fee/cost based independent / freelance Legal Assistant/Paralegal, Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) respect LDAMS clients' privacy, confidentiality and complies with the legal industry's ethical standards.

DISCLAIMER: This web site is designed for general information only. The information presented in this website should not be construed as formal legal advice, nor does it establish paralegal-legal assistant/client relationship or legal representation on any matter.

​*LDAMS is aware and wary of crime and crimes of passion and is knowledgeable about the occupations of the numbers of occupants occupying the spaces. LDAMS is aware of do media. LDAMS is aware there are thing(s) and that it never sleeps and/or stops looking "for" some use....and to commit MORE crimes of passion....helter skelter...raising and continuing in its solid staycation for do $21Trillion more debtBed. LDAMS is aware you all stayed and staying.....were/was/are/is and that you all have deliberately created issues for your blinking selves bearing skin flesh and blood and that you all are constantly trying to portray one/1 individual person life business who you all called...not half...not three...not two...not one/1 of you all were/was/are/is not and cannot be and do....Therefore...committing crimes against the one/1 single independent individual person you you claim to like and love...your admire, etc.

But long after the event have started...the wheels keep turning....the impossible was not and cannot and wont be accomplished!

$21Trillion....where ways....ways where....YOU DO THE CRIME....YOU DO THE TIME....YOU PAY THE FEES/COSTS/PRICES...TIME IS MONEY.....MONEY IS TIME!

1+0=1...1-0=1...1x)=0.....Each and every one/1....single...individual...independent...person...has a right...the live and do one/1 own life livelihood....therefore...because LDAMS....for LDAMS LDAMS!

Prior results do not guarantee similar DEBT income(s) and/or outcome(s). However death is certain for all including Jesus H. Christ and The Brazenes-Cummesses...How sick crazy mad is that muggers like/love of its own businesses.....Is who in the debtBed dead yet! Stay tuned...

Never see come see

All bu$ine$$(e$) NOT the same...

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