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Posted for and on Behalf of Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS)

Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS).... News Ticker...News as it happen$$$:

As this right one/1 Ieye reported earlier...This is reality...I did/ do this for real...for myself...I am the Grenada-Grenadian daughter of Grenada-Grenadians deceased Dora Strachan and now 89-year old Christopoher Strachan! Well that...all that is it$...all riled on accounts level$$$$$$! But I am...I'm! just gonna still leave it$$$ the owner's account$$$$ manual...Can! This one1/right Ieye see/hear/smell how long you all get/got/have/having that...all that and more SEX cuming aka...your common commoner commonest mammyMOM$EXshow$$$ and pappyPOP$EXshow$$$ results... problem$ and trouble$... creepinng...crawling... kneeling it...slow walking it....for $21Trln more...Cradle to grave...problem$ and trouble$ galore!!!

Put the I back in I!

from LDAMS News Ticker....6/8/2019

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