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Posted for and on Behalf of Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS)

LDAMS News ticker...News...Updates as it happen$$$$!

This is the website of the one/1...the only...the original...authentic...the real the realer...the realest... Grenada-Grenadian Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS)...Owner/Operator/Sole-Proprietor at L.D.A.M.S.!...Have/half gone!

Heir all day and heir all night! Never fetching compliment$$$! Because I am this right one/1 Ieye educated vested working Grenada-Grenadian taxpayer only breathing!

Breathers breathe! and/but Breeders sex and breeding many much as cows and pigs and goats and sheep and elephants...animals do! Breeding...It$$$ and entire big huge large humungous difference! …$21Trillion sucking the pockets of "little titties nations" as theirs like to say and call names and invent war$$$ and strife to appease their chickenheads mammyShow$$$ and pappyShow$$$ population ba$e$!...very political indeed!...politically "Special ed" with all it$$$ infantile$m!

"Special ed" $exually active political swinging couples made and make their companies, groups and villages that continually repeats it$$$ bred breed breeding with that size much and many size big huge humongous large greatest price tag...The lives your made and make...their are your bu$Ine$$e$!

I am Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan like and love and enjoy this is my own right one/1 Ieye Grenada-Grenadian job I did and do and am doing!...making an honest days own life bu$ine$$!

All You breeders like and love your bawling complaining "unknown" existing breeders breeding positions you all do and "just do it"!

Such is life and Such is debt!

#Its23Trillion....It$$$ won't$$$ didn't stop!

#This right one1won Ieye Grenada-Grenadian one/1 Ieye Progressive Right -- lefts😎it$$$ too!.

#Failure is not an option here too!

#Giving it$$$ up and giving it$$$ up is not an option.

#Check that...Check all that...$23Trillion$$$$$ all...your I/eyes.... were /was/are/is full of....filled with...wrong re$pon$e$$$$..wrong answer$$$$$

wrong wishe$$$...wrong hope$$$...wrong dream$$$...the unsustainable!

#America: Are the small bu$ine$$(e$)!

#The markets....the stock markets keep keep keep...hold hold hold!...Remember you alls sell sell sell sell!

#Remember cum$$$...Cummings...going out...goings....Face the music...and...Riddance!

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