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Posted For and On Behalf of Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS).1of1.Provider of

(NFIB) National Federation of Independent Business Article:

There is Nothing Pro-Worker in the PRO Act

Date: February 05, 2020

Labor unions have been in decline for decades. But now the Protecting the Right to Organize, or PRO Act, under consideration in Congress is working to rebuild union membership by fundamentally changing how union elections are held. Perhaps most concerning for small businesses is that the PRO Act would eliminate the secret ballot process, creating an environment ripe for coercion.

Now is the time to contact your elected officials in the U.S. House of Representatives and ask them to oppose the PRO Act, H.R. 2474.

Specifically, the PRO Act delivers even more power to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), which oversees union elections. If a union loses an election in a workplace, it can file a complaint with the NLRB claiming the employer interfered in the election process – whether or not that’s true. Once the complaint is filed, regardless of merit, and the NLRB obtains authorization cards from a majority of workers – it can simply nullify the election and establish the union. This takes away the right to a secret ballot election.

What’s more, the PRO Act would require employers to share their employees’ private contact information with union organizers in advance of an election without the employees’ consent. Furthermore, the PRO Act would allow union members to boycott anyone in a supply chain even if they don’t work directly for the company.

This bill doesn’t stop there. It also includes restrictions on the use of subcontractors and requires employees in heavily unionized industries to pay dues – whether or not they are part of the union – known as a “closed shop.” For a fact sheet on the bill, including survey results from NFIB members, click here.

“The PRO Act is a union wish list that will hurt workers, consumers, small businesses, and the economy,” said Brad Close, NFIB Acting President.

Small businesses work hard to attract, train, and retain its workforce. H.R. 2474 would be a gift to unions that would hurt both employers and employees. (Read more about the NFIB’s focus on labor here.)

This is why we need you to take action. If you have not already urged your representative to vote NO on H.R. 2474, the PRO Act, please contact them today and make sure they know to oppose this legislation.

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