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Posted for LDAMS™ by Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a LDAMS™


From The Desk of Jennifer E Strachan d/b/a LDAMS

Jennifer E Strachan Notice to The General Public:

Rightful Fair Americans, My father Christopher Aloysius Strachan died February 5th, 2022 and was buried and I've since found out I...Jennifer E Strachan was not mentioned in his will in which probate application announcement was published in Grenadian newspaper The New Today dated August 19th, 2022

Yet still here there are enemies cooking their profiteering $eX organs books and still fighting to drag! Jennifer E Strachan educated vested life name Sole-Proprietor bu$ine$$...good name! through it$ overactive $eX organs profiteering $cam$ that give birth to the village...boroughs...states of minds that grows and goes a fal$e narrative.

Since being a target, I've reported the disturbing calls that have become stalemate threats against! Jennifer E Strachan name life and...intellectual property bu$ine$$ which Jennifer E Strachan educated invested and worked for and is working for at Jennifer E Strachan own bu$ine$$ because this is Jennifer E Strachan individual right...what I've always done for myself...the life bu$ine$$ I grew for myself...The life bu$Ine$$ I I remain Jennifer E Strachan...daughter of deceased Grenadian Dora Strachan and deceased Grenadian Christopher Aloysius Strachan {even though my name was not in his will...but I am here to object}.

Best Regards,

Jennifer E Strachan


Some imagine or feel :

It$ either too evil and wicked to be true

or too good to be true.

No matter who Profiteering$eXorgans cook and will cook the books and had and have mouths to feed a stalemate lazy "I" "me"...narrative$$$...the proverbial "cooking of the books" must stop!

Either way:

Thi$ i$ America...

All bu$Ine$$(e$ not related...

All Bu$ine$$(e$) not friends...

All bu$ine$$(e$) NOT the $ame...

#Factsmatter and is important and necessary.

#TruthMatters and is important and necessary.


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