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Posted for LDAMS™ by Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a LDAMS™

Hey did you guys know that immigrants who came and comes to America who are not vacationing are to enter into an educational program or search for gainful employment, contribute gainfully, work and pay taxes and reside as a paying guest workers in America. Instead many chose to have kid$ with the thinking that that meant they are tied to that nation but a majority of the kids manifested themselves into "home grown terrorists" as Americans describes it...the levels of willful detrimental manifestation that happened and is happening on the land...It$ troubles and problems...some of the worst adventuring $excapades and crimes in general...On The Record...We Are On The Record.

Absolutely true.

I'm not any of your attorney/lawyer or Judge but, I studied Law in college and am many years a skilled experienced worker and bu$ine$$owner...I own my niche...I am Jennifer E Strachan... familiar with the area of old Brooklyn😏😎

These are just a few topics I talk about in my upcoming book and as a Consultant and Legal Practitioner in my bu$ine$$ practice...Contact Jennifer E Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS).

Schedule and appointment.


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