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Posted for LDAMS™ by Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a LDAMS™

Hey did you guys know that the bastionship of any nation where the full ship has landed in...$pace for the same noisy disturbance in the not the sale but is the same reckle$$ tormented tallied unstable markets...on the market...that layed out some of the worstLayed plan$$$...that incurred and costed taxpayers $30Yr$trln$...Instead of causing damage to themselves and each and every single individual they purposely tuned into and announced it$ practice mission script "...looking for..." and since then it$ ieyes have harassed threatened disturbed...and raised their threat levels non-stop to point where the crime rates is at$ worsened...They have retrospective vision now! ...It$ in Market Watch😏😎

Absolutely true.

I'm not any of your attorney/lawyer or Judge but, I studied Law in college and am many years a skilled experienced worker and bu$ine$$owner...I own my niche...I am Jennifer E Strachan... familiar with the area of old Brooklyn😏😎

Jennifer E Strachan d/b/a LDAMS™ articles and blogs and newsletters... 🙄copies that are plagiaristic mimicing frauds in its own forms...flew off the shelves! However

Born Grenadian...U.S. resident Jennifer E Strachan...knowledgeable of the fact...Fair minded Americans don't accept fraud or plagiarism because an original didn't don't...and wont and you shouldn't either!

These and those topics I talk about in my upcoming book and as a Consultant and Legal Practitioner in my bu$ine$$ practice...Contact Jennifer E Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS)👇.

Schedule and appointment.


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