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Posted for LDAMS™ by Jennifer E. Strachan LDAMS™

Debunked$eXualintercour$er$ majority🙄Content$ to $tay lying🙄It$ always a pleasure listening😏Did it Work...I$ it working...Will it Work🙄 $eXualIntercour$er$Majority...the debtbedbody$countBag...+$28TrnYr$$$...Storytellers... Narratives... tales...dialogues...liar$$$...creators and inventors of the ba$tardi$ed taboo dirty filthy dirty fucqueen$$$...fuck$$$...fucqueen$$$...keep $taying something$$$...wrong...About them$elve$$$...!😏

😏❤️I am the LIVE of Grenadian born😏❤️Jennifer E Strachan dba LDAMS™✅💯👏👍 will count+$28Yr$tln#sCON$ent Form...!$ gotten further and further from the truth and fact matters😏Therefore as before during and after its all $tayed and done...! I am the LIVE of Grenadian born Jennifer E Strachan dba LDAMS™✅💯👏👍...I am going to ask all you...uall $eXualintercour$er$$talemate$... Expressed liar$ lying within the contents of its character$$$...They are Debunked$eXualintercour$er$...Birther$cammers$$$... $eXualColumbu$e$...$tink$hit...that because of all that time that expired and money stoled and wasted for their $eXual gratification and ugly fanta$ie$$$ on limbs costed and costing an arm$$$...and a leg$$$...!

😏❤️Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan✅💯👏👍is going to ask $eXualIntercour$er$Majority to hold the wrong$$$ that their holding and keeping it$ wrong$$$...wrong...the debtbedbody$countBag... +$28TrnYr$$$...the ba$tardi$ed taboo dirty filthy dirty fucqueen$$$...fuck$$$...fucking$$$...and have lame shame game bounced retarded truanced ba$tardi$ed taboo question$$$...🙄😏

$28Yr$ all have It$$$...Priviledged"$poilt$eXualintercour$eMilkGame$Ba$tardi$ed Taboo...🙄Bouncy but no Broughtupcy ... Close but no Cigar😏heard and seen too ... Hoarded in it$ hoarders $eXualinttercour$e mentality... but it$ not!

😏❤️Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan intellectual property bu$ine$$✅💯👏👍maintain$ sustained$ and abstained$$$...and avoided! the $eXualCriminal$ me$$y stories narratives tales versions...creative liar$$$ that lie$$$ in me$$ $eXualintercour$e$$$...!

Thi$ i$ America...


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